Team management 7 – Assignment Help |

Team management 7 – Assignment Help |

Course Fighter  Information Systems Homework Help

Human interactions at work are changing all the time. The introduction and adoption of new technology has resulted in tremendous disruption of all aspects of our society especially in the workplace.  Events such as natural disasters and political upheaval are also a source of disruption. The events of the Covid-19 pandemic and related economic impact are prime examples of these changes.It is important for managers and leaders to keep abreast of current events, the real and potential disruptors of tomorrow. This assignment is intended to help the student engage actively with a wide variety of information sources and bring focus of the topics covered in class to bear on real world events.Please submit 1 article per week from a legitimate news outlet, industry periodical, academic journal or other source that explores the topics of managing people and technology as a current event. Prepare a short synopsis of the article and discuss your interpretation of the events, conflicts, subjects or ideas described.The topic is very wide.  I expect a concise summary of the pertinent details and your analysis, opinion or interpretation of the article.Your review should be about 400 words long, approximately the length of this description.Please include the article with your submission.

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