Option #1: Stakeholder Influence on Project Outcomes – Assignment Help | coursefighter.com

Option #1: Stakeholder Influence on Project Outcomes – Assignment Help | coursefighter.com

Course Fighter  Information Systems Homework Help

Search the CSU library, the Internet, or any specific websites, and scan IT industry magazines to find an example of an IT project that had problems due to organizational issues. Write a paper summarizing the key stakeholders for the project and how they influenced the outcome.Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:two to three pages in lengthInclude two external references in addition to the textbookFormatted according to CSU-Global APA guidelines.

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Predicting the Oscars – Assignment Help | coursefighter.com

Predicting the Oscars – Assignment Help | coursefighter.com

Course Fighter  Information Systems Homework Help

Description:Please download the Oscar_2000_2018.csv dataset provided.This dataset amounts to a total of 1,235 movies from 2000 to 2018, where each film has 100+ features including:It sports 20 categorical, 56 numeric, 42 items, and 1 DateTime field totaling 119 fields giving you plenty of details about various aspects of the past nominees and winners.The dataset is organized such that each record represents a unique movie identified by the field movie_id.The first 17 fields have to do with the metadata associated with each movie e.g., release_date, genre, synopsis, duration, metascore.Tasks:Part 1: EDA1. Using a scatterplot or a pair plot show the relationship between features “user_reviews” and “critic_reviews”. Find the Pearson’s correlation coefficient(r) between the 2 features.2. Plot the average “duration” per “certificate” feature. In other words, x-axis would be “certificate” and the y-axes would be the average duration.3. Plot a histogram for the “genre” feature. Note that the field “genre” needs to be split first to find the frequency for each individual genre type; “Comedy”, “Romance”, “Action” etc. (Hint: Functions like “strsplit” in R or “split” in Python can be used)Part 2: Model Building1. You are going to predict “Oscar_Best_Picture_won” feature; this will be your target variable. Remove all of the features which has the convention “Oscar_Best_XXX_won” except for the target variable “Oscar_Best_Picture_won”.2. Convert the target variable’s type to a numerical type by doing the transformation, “Yes” = 1, “No” = 0.3. Remove columns with high cardinality, i.e., for every column that has a unique value frequency of 70% or higher, remove them from the dataset.4. Perform a time split and create a training dataset spanning the period 2000-2017 and a test dataset for the movies released in 2018 – use “year” feature for the data split5. Create a tree-based model to predict the target “Oscar_Best_Picture_won”6. Use the model to predict the test dataset and find the maximum predicted valueOptional: Go back to the initial dataset and find the movie in 2018 that is associated with the maximum predicted value.

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BI 15 and OE7 – Assignment Help | coursefighter.com

BI 15 and OE7 – Assignment Help | coursefighter.com

Course Fighter  Information Systems Homework Help

Research Apple Home Pod. How does it interact with smart home devices?Alexa is now connected to smart home devices such as thermostats and microwaves.Find examples of other appliances that are connected to Alexa and write a report.1 page with referenceswe focus on some additional terms for IT users. lets discuss what a community of practice is.   Why are they important and how can they impact the culture within an organization?1 page with references

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Project Management Case Study – Assignment Help | coursefighter.com

Project Management Case Study – Assignment Help | coursefighter.com

Course Fighter  Information Systems Homework Help

After reviewing/reading Chapters 3 & 4 of the textbook(Title: Project management: The managerial process Authors: Larson, E. W., & Gray, C. F., Publisher: McGraw Hill, Publication Date: 2021, Edition: 8 th Edition), access UC’s online Library and conduct research within the “Business Source Premier (EBSCO Host)” search engine and locate a Project Management Journal article among the thousands of journal articles made available within the many years of publications the Library holds.  The Project Management Journal article should tie directly into at least one highlight from the assigned chapters (Chapters 3 & 4) reading/review material for the week.  This weekly research paper should include at least 2 pages, but not more than 3 pages, in the narrative and it should be typed in APA formatting (title page, reference page, no abstract page, double-spacing, Times New Roman 12 font, 1 inch margins, in-text citations, etc…).Your paper should contain the following headings:IntroductionSummary of the articleRelevant points made by the authorCritique of the articleApplication of the concepts in the article

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Database Management Plan – Assignment Help | coursefighter.com

Database Management Plan – Assignment Help | coursefighter.com

Course Fighter  Information Systems Homework Help

See attached.

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